JAN. 19

Jennifer was on her way to the doctor for a diabetes test (standard test while your pregnant). I was at work and unable to accompany her. It's about 20 miles and on the way her car broke down! She had no cell phone so she had to walk 3 miles (seven months pregnant) the rest of the way to the doctor's office. A police officer passed her as she was walking (it's a busy highway) and didn't stop to offer any assistance. But he did turn around and tag her car for towing!! Darline (Jennifer's mom) was livid about this and went down to the police station to give them an ear full. I hear it was a grisly sight! Anyhow, Jennifer is no longer allowed to go to the doctor alone! :)

JAN. 14

We had a doctors appointment again. The doctor says that soon she'll have to go every two weeks and then shortly after that every week until the baby is due. While we were there I was able to video the doctor listening to the baby's heartbeat. She uses a doppler which looks like a stethescope but instead of having ear pieces on the other end it has a speaker. The doctor rubs a little gel on Jennifer's stomach and presses a flat, slightly rounded receiver onto her. A thin cord connects it to the speaker to produce the sound. See it here.

JAN. 12

Jennifer and her mom and sisters bought some baby clothes. One outfit was particularly cute and I thought I'd post it online for all to see. She's 27 weeks along now and showing a lot. I tried to get her to allow me to take a picture of her for the web page but, alas, I was unsuccessful.

DEC. 1

On November 22 we went in to have another Ultrasound done. The doctor says she didn't get to see enough from the first ones so she ordered this new one be performed. The baby has nearly doubled in size (it was measured to be about 14 ounces). There's not much fat on the baby so the pics are very skeletal in nature.

Jennifer says she can really feel the baby moving around a lot. You can even feel it kick from the outside sometimes, so she says, but I've yet to experience this. She thinks the baby's going to be tough on us when it's born because it's used to Jennifer's schedule (she works nights). She says that while she's at work it's just a squirmin' and movin' around constantly! I'm preparing myself for the inevitable sleep deprivation that will be sure to come.

Click here to see the latest Ultrasound pic.

OCT. 27

We just got back from the ultrasound today. They had the darndest time getting a good shot because the baby had buried itself so low in Jennifer's abdomen it was concealed by the pelvic bone. It took 3 nurses and a half an hour to coax the baby to a place where it could be properly monitored. "Stubborn little thing, isn't it?" one of the nurses remarked. "Yeah," Jennifer replied, "I was hoping it wouldn't take after me."

They told us that Jennifer is approximately 16 weeks, 5 days, 6 hours and 32 minutes along. We were also informed that:

  • Her due date is set at April 8th
  • The baby's heart rate is 144bpm (within acceptable range)
  • The baby weighs 7 ounces
They asked us if we would like to know the baby's gender and we declined. Who wants to x-ray their presents before Christmas?

Here are a couple of printouts they gave us of the ultrasound:


OCT. 24

Jennifer says she felt the baby move for sure! The doctor says that while it's still small it will be doing summersalts (sp?) and moving quite a bit to gain motor skills until it gets too big to move much at all.

OCT. 24

Jennifer says she thinks she may have felt the baby move for the first time early this morning. She can't be sure because the pressure was so slight. She tried to wake me up and tell me but apparently I was zonked out so she decided to wait until we woke up. Someone told her that if you mark the date that you first feel the baby move it will be born close to that date. Sounds like an old wives tale to me. The doctor did mention after feeling the baby that it would seem Jennifer could be more advanced than 16 weeks. We'll find out for sure on Thursday.

OCT. 22

Jennifer had her first doctor visit. She's supposed to go back on the 28th to have an ultrasound done and until then the unofficial due date is April 12th. While she was there the doctor used a doppler to listen to the baby's heartbeat. We recorded it so you could hear it too! As you listen to the sound file you'll notice a slight change in the sound about 20 seconds into it. That's when the doctor relocated the doppler. Download the file here.